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The Foibles of Matter (Disassembling Atoms and Their Random Reconstructions)

The Foibles of Matter (Disassembling Atoms and Their Random Reconstructions)

mixed media on heavy-weight cotton paper 46cm x 38cm 2024. £750 excluding postage

Splitting the Entangled Mind (Spooky Tales and Wave Function Collapse)

Splitting the Entangled Mind (Spooky Tales and Wave Function Collapse)

mixed media on heavy-weight paper 49cm x 40cm 2024. £750 excluding postage.

The Dark Matter of Spacetime Ripples - Mixed media on heavy-weight paper 48cm x 40cm 2023.

The Dark Matter of Spacetime Ripples - Mixed media on heavy-weight paper 48cm x 40cm 2023.

Mixed media on heavy-weight paper 48cm x 40cm 2023. £750 excluding postage

Crawling Back to the Harmonic Oscillator (Crawling Back Into the Sea)

Crawling Back to the Harmonic Oscillator (Crawling Back Into the Sea)

mixed media on heavy-weight paper 46cm x 36cm 2024. £750 not including postage.

Probable Probability (What We See, Is Not All There Is)

Probable Probability (What We See, Is Not All There Is)

mixed media on heavy-weight paper 40cm x 40cm 2024. £650 not including postage

A Jaded Need for Astonishment

A Jaded Need for Astonishment

Mixed media on heavy-weight paper 48cm x 40cm 2022. £700 excluding postage

Praying to the Narrative of Self (Particles May, or May Not Be Agnostic)

Praying to the Narrative of Self (Particles May, or May Not Be Agnostic)

mixed media on heavy-weight paper 48cm x 38cm 2024 £750 excluding postage

Where Do All The Strange Ones Go (Exploring The Wave Function)

Where Do All The Strange Ones Go (Exploring The Wave Function)

mixed media on heavy-weight paper 40cm x 40cm 2024. £700 not including postage.

The Resting Electron (Just Matter Contemplating Itself)

The Resting Electron (Just Matter Contemplating Itself)

mixed media on heavy-weight paper 40cm x 40cm 2024. SOLD

Emotional Superposition (All of the States, All of the Time)

Emotional Superposition (All of the States, All of the Time)

mixed media on heavyweight paper 49cm x 40cm 2024. £750 not including postage

The Quantum Interference Effect (Popping Microtubules And The Shapeshifting Mind)

The Quantum Interference Effect (Popping Microtubules And The Shapeshifting Mind)

mixed media on heavy-weight paper 48cm x 48cm 2024. £750 not including postage.

The Crushing Weight of Insight (Stamping on Nessie)

The Crushing Weight of Insight (Stamping on Nessie)

Mixed media on heavy-weight paper 52cm x 38cm 2023. £650 excluding postage

The Prettiest Whistles (Won't Wrestle the Wave Function Undone)

The Prettiest Whistles (Won't Wrestle the Wave Function Undone)

mixed media on heavy-weight paper 40cm x 40cm 2024. SOLD

The Buckling Legs, and the Struggling Stars (10⁵³ Kilos Pressing Down on Your Sāwol)

The Buckling Legs, and the Struggling Stars (10⁵³ Kilos Pressing Down on Your Sāwol)

mixed media on heavy-weight paper 45cm x 38cm 2024. £700 not including postage

Deranged Diatribes (All Mouths, and No Zero-Gravity Trousers)

Deranged Diatribes (All Mouths, and No Zero-Gravity Trousers)

mixed media on heavy-weight paper 46cm x 32cm 2024. SOLD

Talking About the Territorial Pissings (Making Scents in the Higgs Field) - mixed media on

Talking About the Territorial Pissings (Making Scents in the Higgs Field) - mixed media on

mixed media on heavy weight paper 50cm x 38cm 2024. £700 excluding postage

Howling at the Entangled Limit of Everything (Now I'm Ready to Fly, Far Away, Into the Ruliad)

Howling at the Entangled Limit of Everything (Now I'm Ready to Fly, Far Away, Into the Ruliad)

mixed media on heavy-weight paper 46cm x 39cm 2024. £550 not including postage

A L'instinct, Viscéral

A L'instinct, Viscéral

Mixed media on A2 heavy weight paper 2021. £650 excluding postage

On Repeat (The Knowledge Expands Into a Sea of Ignorance)

On Repeat (The Knowledge Expands Into a Sea of Ignorance)

mixed media on heavy-weight paper 46cm x 38cm 2024. £750 not including postage

Debating Dynamical Collapse (Those Particles Aren't Looking Anymore)

Debating Dynamical Collapse (Those Particles Aren't Looking Anymore)

mixed media on heavy-weight paper 48cm x 37.5cm 2024. SOLD

Essence of Schadenfreude (How We Laughed As He Passed Over the Event Horizon)

Essence of Schadenfreude (How We Laughed As He Passed Over the Event Horizon)

mixed media on heavy-weight cotton paper 46cm x 38cm 2024. £750 excluding postage.

Zeptosecond Musings (Reptile Mind Emergence)

Zeptosecond Musings (Reptile Mind Emergence)

mixed media on heavy-weight paper 48cm x 40cm 2024 SOLD

Why Something Rather Than Nothing (The Reality of Reality)

Why Something Rather Than Nothing (The Reality of Reality)

mixed media on heavy-weight paper 46cm x 38cm 2024. £500 excluding postage.

Future Entropy States (Increasing Life Disorder)

Future Entropy States (Increasing Life Disorder)

Mixed media on heavy-weight paper 38cm x 38cm 2023. £700 excluding postage

Post Elixir Reflection (All Those Follicles Were Lythe and Alive)

Post Elixir Reflection (All Those Follicles Were Lythe and Alive)

Mixed media on heavy-weight cotton paper 46cm x 39cm 2024. £750 excluding postage.

The Lonely Apparition (Just Particles in the Higgs Field)

The Lonely Apparition (Just Particles in the Higgs Field)

mixed media on heavy-weight paper 48 x 40cm 2023. SOLD

I Think Tame Codex

I Think Tame Codex

Mixed media on heavyweight paper 38cm x 38cm 2023. £750 excluding postage

Quantum Fluctuations Are Fraught! (By the Gentlest of Pokes?)

Quantum Fluctuations Are Fraught! (By the Gentlest of Pokes?)

mixed media on heavy-weight paper 46cm x 38cm 2024. SOLD

Froth and Boil (Archfiend in the Higgs Field)

Froth and Boil (Archfiend in the Higgs Field)

mixed media on heavy-weight paper 38cm x 38cm 2024. £550 excluding postage

Vexed Realities

Vexed Realities

mixed media on heavy-weight paper 49cm x 40cm 2023. £650 excluding postage

Let's Play Eyeball in the Scalar Field (Greetings in Braille)

Let's Play Eyeball in the Scalar Field (Greetings in Braille)

mixed media on heavy-weight paper 46cm x 37cm 2024. £650 excluding postage

Obtuse Floundering (Scorched and Shocked by Life in the Higgs Field)

Obtuse Floundering (Scorched and Shocked by Life in the Higgs Field)

mixed media on heavy-weight paper 48cm x 40cm 2024 £600 excluding postage

The Turbulent Apparition (Just Particles in the Higgs Field)

The Turbulent Apparition (Just Particles in the Higgs Field)

mixed media on heavy-weight paper 46cm x 37cm 2024. SOLD

The Creeping Vacillation

The Creeping Vacillation

Mixed media on heavy-weight paper 38cm x 38cm 2022. £700 excluding postage

Ruminations in the Quantum Foam (When Thoughts Became Senient Protrusions)

Ruminations in the Quantum Foam (When Thoughts Became Senient Protrusions)

mixed media on heavy-weight paper 46cm x 37cm 2024. SOLD

The Entropic Brain Hypothesis (Particles Waving Away in the Grey Matter)

The Entropic Brain Hypothesis (Particles Waving Away in the Grey Matter)

mixed media on heavy-weight paper 48cm x 48cm 2024. £750 postage excluded

Yes, I'm in Your Mind (Obligation Hurts)

Yes, I'm in Your Mind (Obligation Hurts)

mixed media on heavy-weight paper 40cm x 40cm 2022. SOLD

From Complexity to Perplexity

From Complexity to Perplexity

mixed media on heavy-weight paper 48cm x 38cm 2024. £650 not including postage

Consciousness Creates Collapse (An Observer Independent Universe is Simply Impossible)

Consciousness Creates Collapse (An Observer Independent Universe is Simply Impossible)

mixed media on heavy-weight paper 48cm x 40cm 2024. £650 not including postage.

Is An Electron There When Nobody Looks (The Problem With Quantum Storytelling)

Is An Electron There When Nobody Looks (The Problem With Quantum Storytelling)

mixed media on heavy-weight paper 45cm x 38cm 2023. £650 excluding postage

Goodbye Darkstar (Hello Photons)

Goodbye Darkstar (Hello Photons)

mixed media on heavy-weight paper 48cm x 40cm 2023. £650 excluding postage

Luminary Consultation (If You See Darkness Look Away)

Luminary Consultation (If You See Darkness Look Away)

Mixed media on heavy-weight paper 47cm x 40cm 2023. £750 excluding postage

I Came From the Mountain (It Was a Long Walk Down)

I Came From the Mountain (It Was a Long Walk Down)

Mixed media on heavy-weight paper 46cm x 40cm 2022. £600 excluding postage

Dawn Chorus (The Sound of Enclosed Particle Systems Expressing Themselves)

Dawn Chorus (The Sound of Enclosed Particle Systems Expressing Themselves)

mixed media on heavy-weight paper 38cm x 38cm 2024 SOLD

In the Vastness of the Void (My Ghost Lies in Loose Limbed Disarray) - mixed media on heav

In the Vastness of the Void (My Ghost Lies in Loose Limbed Disarray) - mixed media on heav

Mixed media on heavy-weight paper 38cm x 52cm £650 excluding postage

Spit and Spite (Up All Night)

Spit and Spite (Up All Night)

mixed media on heavy weight paper 52cm x 38cm 2023. £750 excluding postage

No Need for Them There Anti-Gravity Hooves

No Need for Them There Anti-Gravity Hooves

mixed media on heavy-weight paper 45cm x 38cm SOLD

Out of Place and Time (Grasping at Decoherence in the Hilbert Space)

Out of Place and Time (Grasping at Decoherence in the Hilbert Space)

mixed media on heavy-weight paper 45cm x 37cm 2024. £600 excluding postage

The Jeopardy of Big Nothing (Bubbling and Blinking in the Void)

The Jeopardy of Big Nothing (Bubbling and Blinking in the Void)

mixed media on heavy-weight paper 45cm x 38cm 2024 SOLD

The Puswons of Olym Bird

The Puswons of Olym Bird

Mixed media on heavyweight paper 38cm x 38cm 2023 SOLD

The Handy Cepheid (I'm Beginning to See the Light)

The Handy Cepheid (I'm Beginning to See the Light)

- mixed media on heavy-weight paper 49cm x 40cm 2024 £650 excluding postage

I am Pioneer, I am Mania, I am Purity, I am Scalar Perturbations

I am Pioneer, I am Mania, I am Purity, I am Scalar Perturbations

mixed media on heavy-weight paper 40cm x 40cm 2024. £550 excluding postage

How to Delay Entropic Decay

How to Delay Entropic Decay

mixed media on heavy-weight paper 50cm x 40cm 2024. £650 excluding postage

King of the Eyesores (Ripples in the Fine Scale Structure)

King of the Eyesores (Ripples in the Fine Scale Structure)

Mixed media on heavy-weight paper 48cm x 40cm 2023. £650 excluding postage

Collapsing the Wave Function

Collapsing the Wave Function

Mixed media on heavy weight paper 52cm x 52cm 2022. SOLD

Hiding High Voltage

Hiding High Voltage

Mixed media on heavy-weight paper 52cm x 52cm 2022. SOLD

Your Fear is Your Fate

Your Fear is Your Fate

Mixed media on heavy-weight paper 48cm x 40cm 2022. SOLD

Upside Backwards (Standing on a Troubled Beast)

Upside Backwards (Standing on a Troubled Beast)

mixed media on heavy-weight paper 40cm x 48cm 2022. SOLD

The Fundamental Nature of Vulpine Reality

The Fundamental Nature of Vulpine Reality

Mixed media on heavyweight paper 37cm x 49cm 2022. SOLD

From Chaos Comes Cosmos (From Disorder Comes a Secret Order).

From Chaos Comes Cosmos (From Disorder Comes a Secret Order).

mixed media on heavy -weight paper 52cm x 52cm 2024. SOLD

Lost in the Higgs Field (I'm (Not) OK With My Decay)

Lost in the Higgs Field (I'm (Not) OK With My Decay)

Mixed media on heavy-weight paper 48cm x 40cm 2023. SOLD

Particle Proposition (Consulting the Wave Function)

Particle Proposition (Consulting the Wave Function)

mixed media on heavy-weight paper 48cm x 40cm 2023. SOLD

Observing Intrapsychic Dispute (Externally)

Observing Intrapsychic Dispute (Externally)

Mixed media on canvas 120cm x 70cm 2022. £3000 excluding postage

Never the Twain Shall Meet Met

Never the Twain Shall Meet Met

mixed media on canvas 150cm x 100cm 2023. £5000 excluding postage

A Slight Return (The Quantum Branching of Kenny Gibbler)

A Slight Return (The Quantum Branching of Kenny Gibbler)

mixed media on heavy-weight paper 42cm x 35cm 2024. £450 not including postage.

One Eye Missed (Attack of the Penetrating Eyes)

One Eye Missed (Attack of the Penetrating Eyes)

mixed media on canvas 100cm x 70cm 2023. £1200 excluding postage

I Fell Into the Particle Accelerator (Something Went Wrong Inside)

I Fell Into the Particle Accelerator (Something Went Wrong Inside)

Mixed media on heavy-weight paper 48cm x 40cm 2023. UNAVAILABLE

The Narrative of False Alarm

The Narrative of False Alarm

Posca, pen and pencil on a4 paper £95 including postage

The Complexity of Gesticulation

The Complexity of Gesticulation

Mixed media on A3 paper 2021. £275 including postage

The Terror of Self Defence

The Terror of Self Defence

posca and pencil on 160gsm A4 £95 including postage

Grasping Oblivion

Grasping Oblivion

posca and pencil on A4 300gsm paper £95 including postage

Splitting Eureka

Splitting Eureka

posca and pencil on 300gsm paper £95 including postage

Manger des Bêtes Psychopathes

Manger des Bêtes Psychopathes

Posca, pen and pencil on a4 paper £95 including postage

Alas, Poor Alias, I Knew You Vaguely...

Alas, Poor Alias, I Knew You Vaguely...

Posca, pen and pencil on a4 paper £95 including postage

The Protrusion of Self-Deception

The Protrusion of Self-Deception

Mixed media on canvas 120cm x 70cm £1200 excluding postage

'Yes, I Remember Those Half-Built Dreams...'

'Yes, I Remember Those Half-Built Dreams...'

mixed media on heavy-weight paper 38cm x 45cm £650 excluding postage

Living the daily Heavy

Living the daily Heavy

mixed media on heavyweight paper 46cm x 38cm UNAVAILABLE

A Momentary Glance in the Right Direction

A Momentary Glance in the Right Direction

Mixed media on heavy-weight paper 38cm x 38cm 2022 UNAVAILABLE

Thoughts of Grandeur (Medicated Delusion)

Thoughts of Grandeur (Medicated Delusion)

Mixed media on canvas board 30cm x 40cm 2022 £175 including postage

Ziggy's Brae Bestiary

Ziggy's Brae Bestiary

Mixed media on canvas 100cm x 80cm £3500 excluding postage



Mixed media on heavy-weight paper 48cm x 40cm 2022 SOLD

Chasing Hereiam

Chasing Hereiam

Posca and pencil on A3 paper UNAVAILABLE

The Tall Tale Tell (Never Trust a Talking Hand Head)

The Tall Tale Tell (Never Trust a Talking Hand Head)

Mixed media on canvas 50cm x 40cm £295 excluding postage

Ruminations of the Mind's Eye

Ruminations of the Mind's Eye

Mixed media on canvas 150cm x 100cm £3500 excluding postage

The Tale of Slippery Observance

The Tale of Slippery Observance

Mixed media on canvas 120cm x 70cm 2021. £1200 excluding postage

What a to-do About the to-do

What a to-do About the to-do

Posca, pencil and pen on A2 paper 2023. £350 excluding postage

Discussing Damaging Proclivity

Discussing Damaging Proclivity

Mixed media on A3 paper 2021. £225 excluding postage

Absurdity is Now

Absurdity is Now

Posca and pencil on A4 paper UNAVAILABLE

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